Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Everyday Changes, Forever Changed

Sometimes it feels like each day repeats itself. A routine goes on. The sun comes up, the sun leaves the sky. And sometimes it feels as if nothing momentous ever really happened in-between. But no person is the same today as he or she was yesterday. I am not. I am forever changed, everyday, with each moment I catch sight of a tiny hummingbird flitting in our pepper tree, with each thought that passes in and out of my mind, some kind, some not so kind, with each "happen chance" meeting of a stranger in the store or on our evening walk. Each day, someone, somewhere has said or done something to make a "forever change" even though it seemed like it was just me walking through my everyday routine. 

Yesterday I saw an older lady struggling with her walker in the Raley's parking lot. She was having trouble navigating over the speed bump. I felt so bad for her. Then I could see her trying to get all her groceries into the car while still holding onto the walker and being scrunched by her door which was too close to the car next to her. This just didn't seem right. I had to stop. I asked if she could use some help with her walker. She said, "Oh yes, if you wouldn't mind." She told me how to fold up the walker and put it in the back seat. Then we rearranged her groceries and news paper from the driver's side to the passenger seat. She explained that she hated getting so old and slow, not like she used to be. But what would happen to her if she had to stop driving…even though it hurt her hip and sciatica. She really hated getting old. I said, "Don't give up." She was wearing bright bobble earrings and was very nicely dressed…I said, "I like your earrings." We chatted a little more. She held my hand and said "Bless you." A bunch of times.

This everyday occurrence changed us both. We were both helped and forever changed because the memory remains that once did not exist. Taking each day for granted is so easy. We seem only to appreciate things once they have been taken away from us--as death reminds us. But each minute and each day have their own kind of death. They will never come again. And so we are indeed forever changed as we leave them behind.

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