Thursday, June 13, 2024

Good Morning Everyone In Heaven!

That is how I wake up each day now. "Good morning everyone in heaven! Good morning sweet Jesus. Good morning Heavenly Father. Good morning Holy Spirit. Good morning Dave." Sigh.

It feels good to connect right away with the most important people in my life. It makes me smile. It sets my heart on the right path. I love my mornings reading Dave's Bible and thinking of the things he thought about thanks to all his handwritten notes and dots connecting themes on each page. Happy.

Sooo....I am in the midst of relandscaping the front yard...old junipers have been removed and now all you see is dirt...and the house! The house actually looks beautiful with so much potential for a lovely front yard. I want to put in a flagstone walkway in place of the old funky brick one that was poorly laid and replicate the rock garden Dave did in the backyard along with a few large flagstone steps to help manage maintenance on a sloped yard.

I see the olive tree as the main "speaker" of the job...Mediterranean style plants should prevail and colors that complement the silver green leaves of the olive. I have contacted a couple people about the job but no bids are in yet.

Here are a few things I like:

More later, after I hear from the landscaper.

"You should not be surprised at my saying 'You must be born again.' The wind blows where it wills. You hear its sound, but you cannot see where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the spirit." John 3:7

I see these words of Jesus meaning that the wind changes the landscape, everything it touches but you really cannot see a molecule of wind...only the sound and the effect of the wind. It is the same when mysteriously and miraculously God touches our hearts with the Holy Spirit...the spirit changes the landscape of our heart. We cannot see a molecule of the Holy Spirit. We can only be amazed at its effect.
I love you Jesus. Amen